International Driving License

International Driving License US
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international driving license

What happens if you don't have an IDL?

         If a driver does not have an IDL, they will face sanctions.

  • The driver’s permission to cross the border may be revoked if he or she does not possess a driver’s license that meets international standards.
  • If you hire a car abroad, the person may refuse to help you.
  • The maximum fine for driving in Europe without an IDL is 400 Euros, and this amount can be doubled if the relevant authorities learn of your infraction. The driver faces serious criminal penalties if there is a violation of the law.
  • Fourth, without an IDL, insurance firms have the right to refuse to treat the driver as the insured in the event of an accident.
  • No matter what, you should start by learning the ins and outs of the local traffic laws. It is fairly uncommon for visitors to a foreign nation to incur fines simply for driving in violation of the local regulations and rules.